Posted on 8:55 PM and filed under

Posture is important to prevent physical problems, such as discomfort, pain, difficulties in blood circulation, headache, backache, or giddiness. Proper posture can help our blood circulation and enable our body to function properly. Those who sit down for many hours may experience numbness and aches. Walking meditation is prescribed by the Buddha to prevent this problem. For this reason, some people prefer walking meditation.

The posture adopted by the Buddha for his meditation is known as the lotus posture. For this posture, you sit on the floor with the right foot on the left thigh and the left foot on the right thigh. The back and neck should be as straight as possible but if the position is found to be uncomfortable, one many move a little to be more comfortable. The essence is not to arouse undue pain and discomfort as these will distract the calming effect of the mind. One should be relaxed. However, such a posture would be difficult for the uninitiated to follow as numbness and aches are bound to occur.

The semi-lotus position should be a little easier to adopt. In this posture, the right foot is placed on the left thigh. This posture should be more comfortable than the full lotus position for most. Place the right palm over the left, with the two thumbs touching lightly at the tips.

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