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Our parents are the most wonderful and precious treasures that we are given. But we never fully realise their importance or ever cherish them enough.

I never understood how dear my parents truly are until I became a mother myself. The hardship of the pregnancy, the labour, the birth experience, the difficulties of nursing and looking after a newborn _ all these and more along the path of motherhood enabled me to comprehend just how dear and precious my own parents are, especially my mother.

I can never be thankful, grateful, appreciative or ever repay her enough for what she has sacrificed and done for me.

I believe the same goes for everyone out there. We can never love our parents enough because our love will always be wanting compared to the boundless love and sacrifice which our mothers enveloped us in since we were conceived.

This book pays tribute to all mothers and fathers, past, present and future.

May anyone who sees, reads, talks, hears or remembers this book awaken to be more loving, caring, grateful, patient, thankful and kinder to their mothers and fathers.

I sincerely thank Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh from the depths of my heart for giving this wonderfully simple yet direct teaching, and for so kindly allowing us to republish
this book for free distribution.

May all sentient beings be well and happy.
May all progress well on the path of the Dharma!

Yours in the Dharma,
Sister Esther Thien
Executive Editor

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A Rose for Your Pocket

A Rose for Your Pocket

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