Posted on 12:05 PM and filed under

Human beings are more selfish in their craving for pleasure than any other living beings. They enjoy the worldly life and give in to sensual pleasure with no thought for the welfare of others. Sensual people like to live long to experience more pleasures. They develop craving towards property and accumulate more property and are afraid to die because they do not want to part with their property.

Other living beings have no such selfish ideas based on collecting things and hanging on to them. They use their five senses only for their survival and lead a natural life without willfully cheating others. It has been said that only humans hoard more than they can eat. All the other animals take only as much as they need. What they do not need they leave alone for others.

Wealth is like sea-water; the more we drink, the thirstier we become; and the same is true of fame.”
(Arthur Schopenhauer)

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