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Let us consider our family members. How many of them are living with cooperation, unity, love and understanding among each other? How do we relate to them? And how much do we try to avoid them? We can invite the whole world into our room through our television sets but we are not willing to invite our next door neighbor into our houses and talk to them kindly. We have no time to look at the faces of our own family members

Instead we spend many hours to see the faces of unknown people on the television screen. Even within one family we have no time to look at each other with smiling faces although we live in the same house. How can there be unity and happiness is such families? This is the nature of our life today. Sometimes, getting involved with people we love is the cause of great suffering. Some people completely ignore their family members after their marriage. That is not the way human beings should behave. It is the manifestation of an animal nature. We can maintain community life by assisting each other and giving moral support to those in need. In many ways we can say that animals behave in a more dignified way compared to us humans.

Although animals do not assist each other in the way humans are expected to do in families and societies, very often, they live together. Sometimes they protect their group or their young ones from their enemies. They do not destroy their own kind but human beings are doing that.

Animals do not kill a female animals after having sex with them but humans can become so cruel to do that. Dogs do not disturb female puppies but humans molest even few months old female babies. It seems that today we are not living as real human beings. We have gone very far from our natural way of life. That is why we are facing so many problems, and loneliness and insecurity.

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