Posted on 8:56 PM and filed under

Actually there is no restriction as to what we eat but we should not take a heavy meal before a meditation session, especially at night-time. If you take a heavy meal before you meditate you may experience some discomfort. That is why the Buddha advised the monks and those who observe eight precepts, not to have solid food after midday.

Some people are under the impression that Buddhist should not take meat, but eat only vegetarian food. There is no such precept in the Teaching of the Buddha. However, those who desire to have vegetarian food may do so as a personal preference as it is not a religious obligation.

Those who practice meditation either in the jungles or cemeteries, especially at night, are advised to avoid certain types of meat in order to avoid undue reaction from certain animals who instinct or sense of smell is so strong that they might be attracted to the mediator.

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